Saturday 19 April 2014

Conference #2 under my belt: #BConnectedConf different but equally great!

 My first first Blogger Conference was Blissdom Canada 2013, and in terms of size a much bigger, busier and established conference than my second. There were lots of bloggers, sessions, workshops, and speakers. I had just started Cathy Thinking Out Loud, and the learning curve was steep as you can see from my post conference post Reflections: Did I Find My Bliss? Tickets have just gone on sale for this year's Blissdom Canada 2014  and I fully intend to be in the middle of all that big and busy again.

Last week I attended my second Blogger conference, the BConnected Conference 2014 . This conference was much smaller in terms of attendees, and it was its debut year. The formats were different, but I found both to be very good value for the cost of the ticket. BConnected was two full days of speakers, and presentations on a very diverse range of topics. Each speaker brought a different perspective, and offered bloggers, brands, and speakers alike a better understanding of each others, role, skills, goals, and perspective. The conference offered each group face to face opportunities to network, engage, and build relationships that have the potential to completely change lives. Who knows what the ripple effect will be? Many of the most valuable things one gets from attending conferences aren't tangible. It is difficult to place a value on friendships and networking opportunities, but they are equally if not more valuable than the information the speakers have to share. I had the opportunity to see friends I had met in the past again, and to met others IRL (aka In Real Life) for the first time. 

I am a sponge .... there I have admitted it. I love nothing better than to sit listening and taking copious notes about a presentation on almost any topic, regardless of whether it applies directly to me or my life. To me this is bliss. All these notes and presentations are the catalyse for future calls to action, and posts, and dialogue. The Bconnected Conference was chock full of these! Worth every cent of the price of admission. Bconnected was a very positive experience for me and I will be back for sure for BConnected Part Deux. Three cheers for the organizers who worked so hard to make it such an overwhelming success!

One last note, which I am sure will not make me any friends, but I am going to say it none the less. It always surprises me when people show a total lack of respect for the both the speakers, and the attendees who have paid to attend, by talking through a presentation. Personally I think it shows very bad manners. I was disappointed to have experienced this at both conferences. If you have an urgent conversation, or merely do not find the current speaker or subject matter to your liking, have the courtesy to leave the room and not disturb others who have paid specifically for that privilege. 

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about the BConnected Conference. 

Note: I was not compensated in any way for this post. All opinions are own, and the purpose of this post is merely to share with my readers my reflections and experiences about attending Blogging conferences.


  1. Thanks for you comments Cathy. I am glad you enjoyed the conference and totally agree about attendees talking through a presentation. That's why there are breaks:) See you next year!

    1. It was great Lyne and see you next year for sure!

  2. It was great hanging out with you Cathy! Glad you had a better experience!

    1. It was great to see you too. Thank you so much for letting me crash with you at the in between time. Both experiences have had positive aspects to them, but different. I have learned about blogging and myself at each conference and continue to do so. I think that is a good thing, so consider both a success. Hopefully I will see you at Blissdom this year too Jennifer!

  3. There was one man and woman who kept chatting away through presentations. It was really driving me batty! I total agree that it is not considerate for both the other attendees and the speakers.

    1. Other than that Julie I thought the conference was great! I really enjoyed the presentations and seeing so many people!

  4. It was really nice meeting you and when I attend conferences I like to listen to the speaker and take notes like you. There is always space, outside of the conference room, to talk if attendees wants to do so.

    1. Great to meet you in real life too Helene! See you at Blissdom! That one is fun because out of town and like a mini vacay for me.

  5. I was very sad not to be able to make it to BConnected this year but it coincided with my girl's REtox weekend. Hope I'll see you at Blissdom! I've booked my tickets and my I just need a sitter naive enough to watch my three children for several days.

    1. I plan on going to Blissdom. Will be booking ticket & room shortly. So many great people attending you will have a blast!

  6. I'm thinking BlogHer fo sho. BlissDom maybe...though I'm loving the intimacy and focus that the BConnectedConf offered.
    (ps I also noticed there were two people who were constantly chatting through some of the presos, and I don't think they were attendees :P)

    1. Your presentation was so good, their loss for not paying attention. I have bought me Blissdom tickets. Hope to see you there JC.

  7. I love that you just called some rude people out here. It's so true. I pay money to hear people speak so go talk somewhere else please.
