Wednesday 2 April 2014

WHAT TO WATCH WEDNESDAY #W2WW This weeks recommendation #11 #VideoGameHighSchool @Netflix_CA

I'm regularly having conversations on social media and in real life with friends and family about what TV shows, or movies are good to watch. So I thought why not share once a week, on Wednesday (aka #W2WW) the recommendations I have, or one that has been shared with me. If you have a recommendation please feel free to share with me in the comments section! 
This week Watch Wednesday I am recommending a series I watched on Netflix called:
Video Game High School 
(11 episodes) 2012, 4/5 stars, NR
"When Brian unknowingly beats an international gaming champion, he's swiftyly admitted to the halls of the prestigious Video Game High School."
via Netflix Canada
This is a goofy series with tons of silly puns, but very enjoyable. Everyone loves an underdog, and the main character Brian is definitely that.  
I rated this 3.5/5 :-) faces.

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about what to watch.

Note: I have not been compensated for this post in any way. All opinions are my own, and the purpose of the post is merely to share with my readers.

1 comment :

  1. I am addicted to all things Netflix and have not heard of this one! Thanks for the recco!
