Friday 22 July 2016

I had the chance to visit to @TwitterCanada Ain't that a sweet tweet treat!

First Things First: 

My street cred with my teens increases substantially when I casually dropped: "I'm going for a tour and Q & A session at Twitter Canada tomorrow, cause I'm cool like that".  

Recently I was lucky enough to be included in a small group to both tour Twitter Canada, and participate in a Q & A session with their Communication Lead. (thanks for the invite Julie!) This fabulous group was diverse in age, background, experience, interests, and domiciles. 

After a little pillow talk about the tweet swag at Twitter Canada, giving up on my "Free the Blue Birds" campaign to release a flock via my purse, and saying howdie to my pal Justin, Julie, Garrett, ChristineChantel and I settled in for over an hour of talking twitter. The conversation was allowed to flow very organically resulting in shared insights about how we use twitter, what we love, what we would love, how twitter has evolved, issues we've experienced, and social media in general. Our discussion ranged from hashtags, hashtag hi-jacking, ease of following conversation threads, twitter parties and chats, engagement, reach, marketing, brands, speed of information sharing, trolls, twitter cards, twitter stickers, and video to name a few.

It's always interesting to see something from the other side and gain understanding why things are done certain ways, or the thought process behind changes or certain directions taken. This visit opened up an opportunity not only to share and hear others' experiences and perspectives, but also to have a voice to those at Twitter Canada. They certainly appeared to be receptive to hearing what we had to share, and in the spirit of twitter have a two-way dialogue. 

Although no secrets or specifics about the future of twitter were revealed, I did get a chance to see the people and faces behind Twitter Canada. Meeting IRL (in real life) always changes the dynamics of an on-line relationship and future interactions, and IMHO (in my humble opinion) that's a good thing.

Now if we could return to the topic of my swagger, Twitter Canada feel free to "swag her" (and by her I mean me) anytime! Thanks for the visit. Until we tweet again! 

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about Twitter Canada.

Note: I was not compensated for this post. The purpose of this post is merely to share with my readers. All opinions are my own.

1 comment :

  1. You are soooo lucky to have met all those fab bloggers :) A little envious over here, lol! I'm glad that you enjoyed your visit and were able to share insights.
