Friday 5 July 2013

OK I Did It ...I started a Blog. Now what?

Hello, I am Cathy and this is me thinking out loud. 

After a year of going back and forth, To Blog or Not To Blog, I finally did it. I started a Blog. Now what? What will I write about? Who will read it? Who will check my posts for spelling and grammar? Do I actually have anything to say?

I have reached a turning point in my life. After 17+ years as a stay at home Mom, putting my kids  first, they are now teens, and it is time to put me first. I look in the mirror and often do not recognise the person I see. I know I was once cute and stylish and blond. I had a regular exercise routine, goals, and a career. I get that I will never be 20 again, or rock a bikini, but I would like to spend the last half of my life looking and living like the fun hip chic I know I am. 

The Blog is the first step to finding my inner fun hip chic. I think I have something to say and share, and have insights and life experiences that might be of interest to others. I guess I will find out. Wish me luck!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Tammi! No idea how to set page up, but should be fun trying!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere!!!!!! I have a 17 year old and a 14 year old and wonder where a part of me went that I last saw in the 90s. Sigh. You are right - blogging is a GREAT way to work through everything!! My main piece of advice is to pick how often you are going to blog (I do weekly) and DO IT. No matter what. Consistency is your friend. :-)

    1. Hi Paula, Thanks so much for the advice, and that you took the time to comment. I think you are absolutely right once or twice a week is managable. and I totally agree that it is important to post consistently. One of my goals is to schedule "me" time to blog into my weekly schedule. Where is your blog? I would love to follow.

  3. Welcome to the jungle ;) Congrats on your new blog baby :)

    1. Thanks so much Jean. Little tears of joy that you took the time to comment.

  4. Btw, gotta let you know the anti spam code is difficult on mobile devices, it took me three tries. A lot of readers will just not leave a comment if it is difficult to do.

    1. TO DO LIST: figure out how to manage the anti spam code for mobile devices Thanks for the heads up

    2. Cathy the first thing I would do is actually axe the "anti spam" code. You don't need it :)

      Looking forward to reading more my dear.

    3. Hi Shayna, I think I manage to do that. I didn't know it was there I don't see that from my end. Hopefully it has been axed! Thanks for the advice, very much appreciated.

  5. Welcome to our world Cathy! Have fun!

    1. Thanks! Can't wait to be one with the Bloggers.

  6. Congrats on your first blog. I can't wait to read about your journey and all the adventures along the way. It really is true, the unexamined life is indeed not worth living. :-)

    1. Kinda scary, and overwhelmed by the steep learning curve. I am tech challenged for sure. Having said that it is a good scary. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. So many others gave me inspiration.

  7. You did it! Look forward to reading posts from a still cute, stylish, hip chic rocking a one piece! Congrats!

    1. I'm thinking a tankini. A two piece, just not an itsy bitsy one :)

  8. Greetings from a new fan via Jean Parks. I can so relate to your apprehension, I too went through the "To blog or not to blog." I finally decided to stop worrying about whether or not anyone will read it. I'm doing it for a outlet. So...if no one reads it but me, that's ok. Good luck, Cathy! Will visit again soon. :)

    1. Thanks so much for the support. Yes in the end the journey is more important than the end (assuming end is having people read blog) I love all the female feedback and support, it always gives me a happy feeling to see women support each other and celebrate each other's success.

    2. Cathy - I was going to add your blog, but you don't have a follower thingy set up yet. If you're on Google+, please feel free to add me. =D

    3. Hi Avon I added you to my Google+ circles. Started blog last night and haven't figure out how to add follow icons & buttons and link them to this site. Waiting for my son to help me out. Hopefully by the end of the weekend.

  9. Happy to see you have joined the blogging world!

    1. Thanks for the welcoming words Catherine. Hopefully the blogging world is happy I have joined too!

  10. Congrats Cathy! I am so proud of you! I look forward to reading all of your posts - I love the way you write!

    1. Thanks for visiting Carla. I am clearly still getting the hang of this. So far the response has been very positive. Lots of great advice too. I love that.

  11. Congrats Cathy!! Good luck & I can't wait to read as you update! :)

    1. Thanks for the support Holly! If is very much appreciated.

  12. Congrats Cathy on starting your blog. I think it's loads of fun to have people from all over read your views and opinions on stuff. You are a truly amazing woman and I have no doubt that this blog will be successful for you in any way that you choose it to be. So glad that I can now follow you in your journey!

    Amanda @ The Mommy Mix
