Sunday 7 July 2013

This Old Dog Can Learn New Tricks: Blogging 101

Great! I started a Blog, and posted my first post. I'm feeling so proud.....until words like anti spam code, captcha, gadgets, widgets and HTML code interrupt my bliss. Problematic for a tech challenged person like me. I have so much to learn, but this old dog can learn new tricks. Until then please bear with me while I learn the ins and outs of blogging. I have added links to my Google+ and Twitter at the ends of my posts, should you like to follow me. This should help until I figure out how to add on gadgets, buttons and feeds.


  1. took me forever to learn and every day I am learning something new!

    1. Carla it is keeping me laughing that is for sure. Last night took me hours to get Google+ follow button on blog. I somehow managed to put on 3 times in hilarious places Now can't figure out how to remove. Told by som DO NOT TOUCH HTML ever again. Waiting for son and Hubby to help fix. Thank god I married a engineer that writes code for a living. Note to self ....DO NOT TOUCH HTML EVER!

  2. Ah things things are sent to test us! It took me a few weeks to learn all the 'new tricks' needed. If you ever need a hand just shout x

    1. Thanks so much for the positive words. It is so nice of you to offer to lend a hand. After many days I finally got Hubby to help and add a couple follow buttons and remove the duplicates. Next on the list is how to link the various social media sites to my posts. I figure I will try learn a new "trick" a week and add a post s week and see how that goes.

    2. An offer from Mammasaurus, is one of the best offers you can get!

  3. I noticed your Twitter name is now Cathy Thinking OutLd. At first I thought you had a new Twitter handle, but upon further investigation I found out you have a blog! Wow!

    Congrats on your blog! You are well on your way to becoming a big player in the social media world!



    1. Thanks for coming to visit Bhupinder, I really appreciate it. I'll probably never be a big fish in any size pond, but maybe a little fish in a little puddle.

  4. Wowee! I just discovered you started your own blog, Cathy!! Way to go!! You'll do a great job :) There's a big learning curve (which never seems to end!) but you can do it. CONGRATS!!!!

    1. Hi Sandy! Better late than never. Definitely a steep learning curve for me. Thanks for support and encouragement. Much appreciated.
