Friday 21 March 2014

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: WORTH THE READ MAR 21, 2014 The #OnlineCommunityManager

I read interesting informative posts and articles about business, social media, marketing, networking, and the like all the time. I'm a bit of a junkie when it comes to this type of thing. So I thought I would share at least one said post or article every Friday, and maybe send you into your weekend with some food for thought. This week we look at the often misunderstood Online Community Manager. What exactly is an Online Community Manager, What do they do, and does your business, or brand need one. 

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about Friday Feature: Worth the Read


  1. Thank you so much for including me in your post, Cathy!

    1. Well Christine you are most welcome. I think there is a lot of confusion about blogging, social media, and online community managers. So who better to help clarify for us!

  2. I'm like you, Cathy, I love to read all kinds of blog posts (etc) about social media and marketing. I had already read Christine's and thought it was great! I will definitely check out the others you have posted.

    1. Thanks for reading Sandy and if you come across any great posts or articles let me know so I can include them in a future Worth the Read post.
