Sunday 4 May 2014

NEWS FLASH! Yours truly @CantonCathy is officially a @PTPA Blogaholic! #Parenting #Products #Conversation

Yay me! but so what? There is the nifty button to put on my blog sidebar, but surely there needs to be more than just that to join a community of bloggers Right?! Why not stick to posting for my own blog Cathy Thinking Out Loud ? Excellent question! even if I was the one to ask it. Well, as you all know, I like to think of myself as a sharer, and a linker, so expanding the reach and community I share and link is a good reason. Being able to find and read interesting posts, and about products, I might not otherwise see, and for others to find mine is another good reason. Feeling like you are part of something, and a valued member of a community is pretty great too! 

I have spent many of my 18+ years of motherhood chatting with other parents, caregivers, and teachers about which products and techniques work. I have actively participated in that casual exchange of information between parents that happens at play groups, nursery schools, and school drop-off and pick-ups on a daily basis. Even dinners out to get a break from "the kids and Hubby" always involves some degree of sharing, and comparing our parenting successes and failures. Some conversations are of a serious nature, and some are funny (at least in retrospect), but all help us grow as parents, and give us perspective. These interactions not only make us to see we are not alone, but also provides us invaluable information about products, resources, and options for many of our parenting issues.

I'm honoured to be part of such a diverse, and fantastic group of bloggers. To me being part of the PTPA  Blogaholic community is just an expanded version of the drop-off and pick-up chats. It is a daily opportunity to share information, laugh together, and occasionally vent about how crazy life can get. I hope it is a two way conversation, and my posts encourage you to engage with me and keep the conversation going. 

So grab yourself a coffee, put your feet up, and lets start a conversation. I'll start (Chatty Cathy that I am) Show me the Grit! Parenting teens is hard work. via Cathy Canton - PTPA my first post as a PTPA Blogaholic.

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about being a PTPA Blogaholic.


  1. Congrats, Cathy! So thrilled that you are part of the PTPA Blogaholic family! I love reading your posts and engaging with you.

  2. Congratulations Cathy! That PTPA sure knows how to pick their Family. I look forward to hearing you talk about loud.

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  3. Congrats Cathy! Love to see you here.

  4. Congrats Cathy. You are a perfect addition and a great reminder that parenting isnt just about babies.

  5. Wowie! Congratulations!

    This is great news.

  6. Wonderful news Cathy. They picked the right person to talk out loud. #punintended ;)

  7. Woo Hoo!!! Congrats Cathy!!! I think you'll make an awesome member of the team!!! Looking forward to reading your reviews!
