Monday 13 January 2014

Great #GreenIdea - Make Pot Scrubbers From Mesh Produce Bags #ItsSoEasyToBeGreen

Make Dish and Pots Scrubbers From Mesh Produce Bags

The first time I did this was out of necessity. I was camping and had no way to scrub the pots, so I took mesh bags from produce (onions, potatoes, oranges) and tied them into knots to give me a ball that I could easily hold to scrub with. Although not pretty it did the trick. 

The following use the same idea but look much nicer a ball of knotted bags. 
Plus they save you money, and reuse, and recycle something that would otherwise end up in landfills.

via Northern Nest Blog

via Crafting A Green World 

via Mrs. Green Blog

Don't forget to put these to work in the bathroom or on outdoor patio furniture. OR
Why not make some as a hostess gift. Perfect for post party clean up.

You can find more Green Ideas 
under the blog BEING GREEN tab or check out my 
Recycling and Green Ideas Pinterest Board

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about being green.