Saturday 25 January 2014

Blog Conferences: You Should Go! @BConnectedConf coming in April

You know me, I am all about the informing, sharing and linking. So I thought I would take a minute to share with you an upcoming Blogger conference happening April 2014 in Ottawa. Please note that I am in no way connected (LOL connected to BConnected), or being compensated for this post. I simply felt compelled to share my thoughts with those who care to listen. 

I'm a newbie blogger with so much to learn about all aspects of bloggging. If you can relate, and maybe you hesitate to attend a blogger conference because you think you are not big enough, or experienced enough, then you need to understand, that is exactly the reason why you should attend. Conferences give you access to people, resources, and brands, and a forum in which to ask questions, get advice, and connect with those with experience, expertise, and connections. 

I have only attended one conference (Blissdom) and found the speakers inspirational, and the workshops and sessions extremely informative and fun. More importantly I found the connections and friendships I made to be invaluable both in my personal, and my professional (aka: blogging) life. Meeting so many of my favourite bloggers is real life completely changed my online and social media experience. 

Lately I have been seeing tweets about an impressive list of ambassadors for the conference, giving me one more reason to attend the BConnected Conference. I hope I see you there, and please be sure to find me and say Hi if you decide to go.

FYI - early bird tickets on sale now until Feb 16th, 2014. 

For more information about the upcoming BConnected Conference, here is a link. 
BConnected Conference

Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about blogging conferences.

Note: I was was in not way compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.


  1. If I only lived closer - out west here

  2. So glad you will be coming! Can't wait to get to know you better!
