Monday, 8 February 2016

I Like It Better When We Netflix Together ...Sometimes #Streamteam @Netflix_CA

I Like It Better When We Netflix Together ... Sometimes.

The secret to a lasting relationship is the ability to be together and still maintain your own identity within the relationship. Same goes for the shows we watch, some are perfect for watching together, and others are best watched separately. There is that sweet spot in the middle of the He Says watch this, and She Says watch this, that is the We Say watch this. 

My husband and I have been together a long time, and back in the day long before streaming we learned to share the remote and give and take when it came to what we watched. Not that learning to give and take isn't a good thing, but I like being able to stream the shows we both like together, without the need for me to sit through an episode of Farscape. I'm guessing he's just as happy not to watch a 3 hour Bollywood movie with subtitles. In my opinion Netflix is a relationship saver, and peace keeper. It brings us together, while allowing us to retain our own viewing identities. It really does make me happy that my husband can spend his downtime enjoying a show he really likes, and even happier I don't have to endure it. 

It's interesting what our show and movie preferences say and reveal about our personalities. Even more interesting is how those preferences might even predict compatibility. I think you'll enjoy this infographic and the interesting stats it reveals. With Valentine's Day right around the corner why not stream a few romantic movies with your honey, or find a show both of you will love watching together. It could be the beginning of a very special showmance. 

Happy Streaming! 
Yep, just me Cathy thinking out loud about the Netflix Streaming "Sweet Spot".

Note: I was not compensated for this post, but as a member of the Netflix Steamteam I do receive Netflix free of charge for the purpose of writing my Netflix Streamteam posts and reviews. All opinions are my own. 

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